DailyClout.io We the People...but with real clout. DailyClout explains bills and events in Us and global democracies in ways anyone can understand and even enjoy! We give you tools to drive your own democracy. Watch the videos for issues about which you are passionate and use BillCam, on DailyClout.io, to find ANY state or Federal bill, share it on social media, tweet it to the bill sponsor or to your Rep, draft your OWN legislation, and create change for yourself, your family, your work, your community and your environment! Use the Youtube comment section t let us knnw about bills and issues, US and global, you'd like us to cover.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Bestselling author Dr. Naomi Wolf discusses domestic violence, rape/sexual assault, and more with Naveena Chittineedi. Ms. Chittineedi is an incoming first-year medical student in New York, Social Media Director and Commentator at DailyClout.io, and Department of Health certified Rape Crisis Counselor. Naveena has served for two years at The Safe Center, LI., a crisis center where counselors advocate for victims of rape/sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking, and child abuse.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
"Lindsey Boylan is running to unseat longtime incumbent and Democratic party stalwart Rep Jerrold Nadler in New York City's Tenth Congressional District. This is an influential and heterogenous district, which encompasses the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the West Village, Wall Street itself, and lower income parts of Brooklyn. The needs of the constituents in this district are as diverse as New York City itself. Boylan has come out swinging, with a social media presence that has a take-no-prisoners style. She has confronted Rep Nadler on what she calls his misogyny, and also called out Elizabeth Warren in powerful terms, expressing her disappointment as a woman and a mother that Warren refused to endorse Boylan without having encountered her. Boylan's campaign video received over 108,000 views, and really breaks the mold for political advertising. Created by an all-female team, it speaks frankly of how two generations of women in Boylan's family lost custody of their children due to mental health or substance abuse issues, and expresses Boylan's strong support for mental health care. Though predictably, as with most women in public life, Boylan's personal appearance has been targeted on social media in an effort to diminish her gravitas, Boylan is a genuine policy nerd, who in our interview dives deeply into why infrastructure is so important, talks knowledgeably, drawing on lessons from her time working with the NYC Parks Dept, about green spaces, walkable streets, urban development visionary Jane Jacobs, carbon neutral development and "New Urbanism". She discusses campaigning virtually during a quarantine, and talks about why she eschewed fossil fuel money and corporate PAC money. Boylan does not hesitate in confirming that there is a new wave of younger, more progressive (or more radical, depending on your perspective) challengers to the icons of the Democratic Party; mentioning Shahid Buttar, AOC and Skyler Johnson as examples. She also confirms comfortably that this new wave may well be a "movement." Whatever your views of Boylan's agenda, there is no question that she scores on the nonpartisan DailyClout metrics for a candidate: She is accessible to potential voters and answers questions directly. She drills down deep into policy areas and explains them clearly and transparently. She has a plan and not just a campaign slogan. Whatever happens in the days ahead, Boylan's is a campaign to watch.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Daily Clout: Curtis Ellis: The Threat of the CCP
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
"In one of the most significant interviews DailyClout has ever done. Curtis Ellis, founder of the American Jobs Alliance, explains the current threat to the US and, in his view, to the rest of the democracies in the world, that is posed by the Chinese Communist Party's power grab during this pandemic."
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Daily Clout: In Conversation: Naomi Wolf and Legendary Activist Lisa Fithian
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
How can direct activism survive the coronavirus era? How do we learn justice? What is the benefit of creating crisis? What are the takeaways for the next generation of activist? For DailyClout (https://dailyclout.io/), Naomi Wolf asks these crucial questions and more in a truly inspiring conversation with renowned activist Lisa Fithian. Described by Mother Jones as “the nation’s best-known protest consultant”, Lisa Fithian has been involved in nearly every major protest event for the past four decades. Her new book, Shut It Down, shares behind-the-scenes stories of resistance and offers a radical guide to direct action and civil disobedience strategies. An inspirational handbook for the next generation of activists fighting for change now, Naomi Klein calls it a “wise and warm book [that] will help us build real power,” For more: https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/...
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Update Three: The War on Small Business Escalates Via the CARES Act The $2.7 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), which was signed into law on Friday, March 27 th , and then amended to add more funds for small business loans, hospitals and testing on April 21 st , is just one of an arsenal of programs that Congress and the Federal Reserve have mobilized to stem the damage from the nationwide shut-down and pandemic. In my previous blogs covering this subject 1 , my chief concern has been the outsized support in these provisions for big corporations – twice as much on the face of it - versus the undersized support for small businesses, not to mention the diminutive support for health care, which is another topic all together. This disparity is important, because small business accounts for 50% of our workforce employment and it drives innovation and the lion’s share of net new job growth. Furthermore, while large corporations have access to private equity, public markets, bank loan facilities and more to secure additional money to keep up and running, small businesses do not. Finally, due to shaky Treasury guidelines, many large, and even public companies, have participated in the small business loan programs. However, going under-reported is the Federal Reserve’s April 9, 2020 announcement that it had launched its own unprecedented $2.3 trillion relief package. This included $600 billion allocated to purchase loans from banks to small and midsize businesses, under its “Main Street Lending Program” which includes businesses with up to 10,000 employees and $2.5 billion in revenue. Is this “Main Street”? The program also included $500 billion to buy state and municipal bonds. The most eye-popping number was the $1.2 trillion to bolster the Central Bank’s own ongoing purchases of treasuries, corporate, consumer and municipal securities 2 . Within this announcement, The Fed expanded another facility so that it could begin to buy highly rated new issues of collateralized loan obligations and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Under the new program the Central Bank can also buy corporate bonds and exchange-traded funds. YIKES! Could small business be made to feel even smaller? This involvement by the Fed unnaturally helps alleviate concerns that large companies that are downgraded due to unfavorable economic conditions, would not receive support from the Fed. Hence, it artificially supports, if not boosts, market pricing. The net effect of all of this is that large corporations—even unhealthy ones – will win again - at the expense of everyone else. 1 April 16, 2020 and March 25, 2020. 2 Federal Reserve takes additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. Adding up funds from Congress and the Federal Reserve - $1.45 trillion - large corporations are by far the biggest beneficiaries of aid - by a factor of more than two hundred per cent, not including another $275 billion in tax cuts, tucked away in the CARES Act. These tucked-away sections bring total benefits to large corporations and wealthy individuals to upwards of $1.725 trillion! Small business owners have no illusions. In a survey released April 14, 2020 by the Small Business Majority 3 , small business owners reported devastating impacts of COVID-19 4 . Nearly half say they have closed their business or are planning to do so in the next two months. 69% say that the CARES Act favors large corporations over small businesses. 84% say that increased funding is needed for community development financial institutions among many other suggestions. Legislators take note. 38%, 24% and 32% of respondents identified themselves as Republican, Independent and Democrat respectively. The hurt goes across the political spectrum. Read the full blog here: https://dailyclout.io/update-three-th... 3 Small Business Majority. 4 Small Business Opinion Poll.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Many communities are struggling with how to find a way to balance the Second Amendment rights claimed by gun owners, with the kinds of safeguards that many on both sides of the issue call "common sense gun control." Though we rarely hear about policies that are not at the extremes this very sensitive debate in America, Connecticut may have a model to debate and to explore nationally. Connecticut's new gun bill, H B 5448, will, argues Jonathan Perloe, Communications Director for Connecticut Against Gun Violence.Org, close some loopholes in a twenty-year off law already on the books. This bill would allow warrants in emergency situations, such as when a gun owner is deemed to be at risk of posing a threat of harm to him or herself or to others. In that case, the person's gun can be temporarily removed. There are similar laws gaining ascendancy nationwide - these are called, colloquially, "Red Flag" laws. Perloe argues that studies have shown that such laws prevent situations that would otherwise turn into mass shooter scenarios. This kind of policy is also supported by advocates for domestic violence victims, who say that abused women are at risk when a gun owner is impaired by alcohol, mental illness, or other temporary states of mind that disorder judgement and create emergency conditions. What's your view? Is this a common sense restriction that allows responsible gun owners their Second Amendment rights but also prevents tragedies that might take place when people with guns are impaired? Is it going too far, if you are a gun owner -- or in your view, not far enough, if you want to get rid of all guns? Would you like to see a bill like this in your own community? Use the BillCam of HB 5448 if you like or dislike this bill; send it to you own Rep. and ask for a similar bill if you like it; -- or express your views about such bills if you have doubts. If you are in CT, send the bill to your Representative with your comment. Do you want to pass this bill if you live in CT, or oppose it? Then vote on the BillCam to move the dial. Have your say!
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
It's a scary time, with the world in lockdown. DailyClout CEO Naomi Wolf invited Brian O'Shea, CEO of Striker Pierce, a security consultancy (and disclosure, Naomi's husband) to share a set of tips that anyone can use to secure her or his home and family in these uncertain times. From lighting to door wedges to clearing brush so there are open "lines of sight" around your home, to affordable field cameras and tiny drones, to deterring stalkers and bullies, O'Shea explains how to become a "harder target" using items that are either affordable, or already available to you in your garage or pantry. He also addresses how to have a mentality that lets you fight back against an intruder, even if you are physically overmatched. He also explains the philosophy of security -- how starting with loving yourself and protecting your own home and family, allows you better to extend love and nurture to the rest of the world in unstable times.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
The CARES act, otherwise known as the stimulus bill, has been very much in the news. But as usual, few media outlets have read the text and explained the fine print. This two-trillion dollar historic allocation of taxpayer money has some startling realities embedded in it. Charlotte Walker, the distinguished startup advisor and VC, explain in this must-watch video, how dun reds of BILLIONS of dollars are being handed over to companies that would otherwise possibly fail -- but very little of that money is going to workers themselves, or to smaller businesses. In early drafts, moreover, a tiny percentage of the funds were being allocated to health care and hospitals; the number went up as this flaw was examined and is better now -- but still is dwarfed by the blank check to giant corporations. Walker explains in detail how the CARES act also creates drop-dead conditions for small businesses; she points out that small businesses are the engine of the economy and the source of innovation, and that when these are starved out, the entire economy suffers. Walker details how small businesses already operate under financing conditions that are burdensome, compared to highly funded startups or corporations, that have access to funding from a completely different financial ecosystem. And DailyClout can confirm that this bill that is so touch on small businesses while bailing out -- yet again -- giant corporations, is consistent with bills that pass monthly and have done so for the last two years, with little media coverage or fanfare, that place burdens and restrictions on small businesses in contrast to big businesses and vast corporations. A must-watch explanation of how our financial system works -- and of. the serious flaws the CARES act.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Australian Liberal Party declares new powers to detain and quarantine people due to coronavirus; thispower grab is based on laws that were prepared several years before. Citizens express concern about this due to existing powers Australian police have to strip search people - including minors -- without a warrant or probably cause. This latest adds to @DailyClout's view that Australia is a "petri dish" for creating fascism in a developed-world country. The NY Times reports that Erik Prince, former CEO of Blackwater, has sent ex-spies to infiltrate progressive groups. Very scary because CIA and FBI have restrictions and Congressional oversight that these private contractors do not have. On a happier note, Virginia passes a $50 cap on insulin. Other states may follow suit if you support such a bill. Ideal for asthma medications as well. Boondoggle in Congress-- HR4508 gives HALF of ALL USAID scholarships to "Pakistani women." As much as @DailyClout supports Pakistani women students, this misuse of taxpayer dollars in a non-proportionate way demands scrutiny as it smacks of corruption. Who is actually getting those funds? $8.3 BILLION gets handed in US Congress out to respond to coronavirus -- with help for "small business" (which often means bigger business) folded in there as padding. HR5003 is an awesome bill that makes it illegal to lie to vets about debt collection. This should be expanded to include everyone. New York declares a state of emergency -- Hachette cancels Woody Allen's autobiography after 75 workers walk out in protest -- and koalas are endangered by military housing proposals on Mt Lofty in Australia. And we talk about how to fight back in the coronavirus epidemic is used to further erose civil liberties. Surprising chat about the Second Amendment. Please like, subscribe, become members, support us on Patreon! Membership is $3.99 a month. And DailyClout verticals are now available -- get bills in your inbox for any issue you care about, $24.99. Fantastic for advocacy groups, campaigns and candidates. Drive your own democracy!