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Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Mar 23 2020: Suspensions of civil liberties unfold rapidly in the wake of coronavirus infections. US and UK propose powers at the same time, to detain for longer periods of time, suspend court proceedings in the case of the US -- Politico leaked documents showing that the Department of Justice asked Congress for powers to detain people indefinitely without charge or trial and to suspend court proceedings; in Britain, Parliament will consider a bill, the Coronavirus Bill, that suspends certain Parliamentary democratic processes and allows for the postponement of elections in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Pp 31-39 details the structure that allows elections to be postponed to May 6 2021 and in the case of Northern Ireland, til 2030. The UK's Coronavirus Bill also gives current government ministers the authority to retain these enhanced powers for two years, and then decide they want more time with these powers. Thank you to Observer reporter Carole Cadwalladr for reporting on this critically important bill. In the background of these two very similar power grabs in the US and the UK: in NYC, FEMA declares the city a disaster zone, which allows suspensions of certain rights. Gov Cuomo arranges for empty HOV lanes, and pedestrian-only city streets, which would allow access to emergency vehicles or to military vehicles. Quarantine in NYC begins tonight. NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio asks Pres Trump to invoke the Defense Production Act, which would commandeer private indistry to make medical equipment. Meanwhile Mitch McConnell proposes a stimulus package that gives $50 Billion to Air Cargo companies, 150 Billion to "large businesses" (corporations), and allows government to take equity stakes in those companies -- a huge change in how the US economy works; it grants $300 million to "small business" in no-interest loans. NYPD have been breaking up groups in parks that have congregated too closely. Mayor Bill Di Blasio asked Pres Trump to send in the military. "Why are they at the bases? The President has to give the order" he asks. Be well, stay safe, and please support DailyClout.io so we can keep our doors open and continue to report on threats to liberty and how to protect democracy and basic freedoms during life in the coronavirus era. See the Coronavirus Bill UK here and the framework to postpone UK elections in Scotland, N Ireland, Wales and London, on pp 31-39: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pWHi...
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