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Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Ancram, NY is home to wild coyotes, bobcats, bears, rattlesnakes, endangered turtles, and a precious ecosystem that has been famous for its beauty since the years of the Hudson Valley school of artists. Its beauty and ecosystem's safey has been protected for decades by rural zoning. Local Law 2, which is beng rushed through without the kinds of public notice that New York State law requires, will change all of this: it allows for 24 by 24 foot billboards, event spaces that contain up to 500 people with no limit on size, parking lots of up to 250. cars, and human feces -- "biosolids" -- to be spread on agricultural land. It also allows for the music in the event spaces to go til midnight on Friday and Saturday nights and to start at ten am. Lastly it doubles the density of what you can build -- letting you build a 1200 foot plus house on your two acre rural zones lot with a special permit -- up to 100 sq feet without a special permit. Plus it allows airbnb rentals. So yes, more affordable housing no doubt, which the town does need, but also tons more short term tourism, a Disneyland economy, huge billboards and parking lots paving over Eden, and with more tourism, say experts on tourist economies, more crime. Most seriously of all, the town manager has been advising people that the town meeting is their only option to have their say -- untrue -- and sent in the recommendation for Local Law Two BEFORE the public hearing. Have your say, Ancram NY!