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Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Many communities are struggling with how to find a way to balance the Second Amendment rights claimed by gun owners, with the kinds of safeguards that many on both sides of the issue call "common sense gun control." Though we rarely hear about policies that are not at the extremes this very sensitive debate in America, Connecticut may have a model to debate and to explore nationally. Connecticut's new gun bill, H B 5448, will, argues Jonathan Perloe, Communications Director for Connecticut Against Gun Violence.Org, close some loopholes in a twenty-year off law already on the books. This bill would allow warrants in emergency situations, such as when a gun owner is deemed to be at risk of posing a threat of harm to him or herself or to others. In that case, the person's gun can be temporarily removed. There are similar laws gaining ascendancy nationwide - these are called, colloquially, "Red Flag" laws. Perloe argues that studies have shown that such laws prevent situations that would otherwise turn into mass shooter scenarios. This kind of policy is also supported by advocates for domestic violence victims, who say that abused women are at risk when a gun owner is impaired by alcohol, mental illness, or other temporary states of mind that disorder judgement and create emergency conditions. What's your view? Is this a common sense restriction that allows responsible gun owners their Second Amendment rights but also prevents tragedies that might take place when people with guns are impaired? Is it going too far, if you are a gun owner -- or in your view, not far enough, if you want to get rid of all guns? Would you like to see a bill like this in your own community? Use the BillCam of HB 5448 if you like or dislike this bill; send it to you own Rep. and ask for a similar bill if you like it; -- or express your views about such bills if you have doubts. If you are in CT, send the bill to your Representative with your comment. Do you want to pass this bill if you live in CT, or oppose it? Then vote on the BillCam to move the dial. Have your say!