DailyClout.io We the People...but with real clout. DailyClout explains bills and events in Us and global democracies in ways anyone can understand and even enjoy! We give you tools to drive your own democracy. Watch the videos for issues about which you are passionate and use BillCam, on DailyClout.io, to find ANY state or Federal bill, share it on social media, tweet it to the bill sponsor or to your Rep, draft your OWN legislation, and create change for yourself, your family, your work, your community and your environment! Use the Youtube comment section t let us knnw about bills and issues, US and global, you'd like us to cover.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
The Government Accountability Office is supposed to make sure taxpayers money is sent where it's supposed to go. We @DailyClout read a startlingly strongly worded letter in which these nonpartisan GAO bureaucrats assail Present Trump for bypassing Congresses' "power of the Purse" in withholding aid $$ for Ukraine; the GAO lawyer repeatedly cites the Constitution and warns how illegal this redirection is, and what it does as a precedent that the Dept of Defense was waiting for $125 million that the Pres. redirected. When the bureaucrats are irate, you know there's something really wrong. On a happier note -- Rep Carolyn Maloney sponsors a bill to close a loophole that had allowed for free-for-all insider trading between an event that a company's directors and officers know about, and the report of that event -- and an H Res scolds Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for undermining reform of online universities that have ripped off millions from students, esp veterans. The GAO letter will startle you; many people will feel that closing loopholes that used to allow outright insider trading, and scolding folks who rip off students, are positive steps. Good legislation is rarely showcased in the media -- we like to shine a light on effective policies and best practices, as well as highlight for you really terrible bills. Also: Australia's weakened democracy, the launch of DailyClout Australia, and: no one home to count the vote in the UK? Special announcement: We're thrilled to share the rollout of BillCam 3.0 which sends VERTICALS to your email inbox! Do you want to know about real-time real estate laws, finance laws, infrastructure, environment, family law, marijuana, reproductive rights? Are you an investor, a journalist, work for a nonprofit? Verticals will make your information so much richer. Sign up for this amazing new service from DailyClout.io for just $24.99 a month. Get actual legislation in your inbox in the area you choose, with updates when the bills change and new ones are introduced.