DailyClout.io We the People...but with real clout. DailyClout explains bills and events in Us and global democracies in ways anyone can understand and even enjoy! We give you tools to drive your own democracy. Watch the videos for issues about which you are passionate and use BillCam, on DailyClout.io, to find ANY state or Federal bill, share it on social media, tweet it to the bill sponsor or to your Rep, draft your OWN legislation, and create change for yourself, your family, your work, your community and your environment! Use the Youtube comment section t let us knnw about bills and issues, US and global, you'd like us to cover.
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Daily Clout: Are We Ready to Remove the Federal Ban on Marijuana?
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Senator and Democratic Presidential nominee Bernie Sanders recently introduced legislation into congress that would deschedulize marijuana. Called the "Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act," the bill would cross marijuana off the federal government’s list of Schedule 1 drugs under the Controlled Substances Act, effectively ending its prohibition. What do everyday people think of marijuana legalization? We took to the streets to find out... Now it's your turn, have your say! Use DailyClout’s Billcam tools to tell Senator Sanders whether or not you support this bill, to contact your local representation, and to raise awareness with your friends and social networks. http://wp.me/p6YV43-pn