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Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Six "tent cities" or "austere" detention camps are now planned in six cities -- to be builton military bases and used at least initially to house families held in ndefinite detntion by ICE. These will be built in Concord, CA -- almost 50,000 people to be held there; Alexandria, VA; Western Oregon; outside of Austin; and elsewhere. Mayors and State Reps are trying to push back against the Navy which is initiating this development. Marjorie Cohn points out three ways that the indefinite detention of families violates US and international law - and Dr Naomi Wolf points out that history can show not a single example of detention camp on domestic soil, that are set up to be outside the rule of law, where opponents of the administration, activists and journalists, were not eventually held.
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